Comment and Acceptable Use Policy

Keep it clean without denigrating another individual personally or by association, pursuit of happiness, live and let live

Core values
  • Our comment policy mainly intends to keep things clean and not denigrate another individual personally or by association. 
  • We also want every one of our commentators to pursue happiness, in other words, live and let live. 
  • This is a professional site, and let’s keep it that way. 
  • We don’t allow the incitement of hatred toward any single group, however we do allow disagreements.
  • Since this site is intended for global reach, and certain definitions differ from society to society and nation to nation, the values common to all societies will be used.
  • Since the only arbiter of global definitions that exist is the United Nations, we will use their vision as a guide, by having our team members and registered users interpret UN guides, since according to the UN, interpretations do vary from society to society.
  • It is expected that each nation respects the social norms of another no matter how much they differ or how abhorrent they appear. Change comes from dialog and respect, not war, insults, or angry words. We can all learn from each other.
  • Let’s try as much as possible to allow people to pursue happiness whatever that may be to any individual, as long as they don’t break the law or our other rules.
  • We believe in individual freedoms and freedom of speech over collective rights, except when denigrating another user.
  • We understand that we all make mistakes, including us, but let’s try to correct them when we do, and be tolerant of those who strive to learn.
  • The comment policy enforcement is based on a scoring system, starting from 100 points.
  • Points are deducted based on the fault described in the table below.
  • This point system applies to comments only.
  • Points are deducted for a fault within a single comment.
  • If multiple faults occur within a single comment, points will be deducted based on the individual fault that carries the heaviest penalty.
  • No stereotyping is allowed.
  • There is no ideal of perfection, and we don’t hurt people based on their inability to comply with some ideal of perfection that doesn’t exist, but at the same time, we must respect all of our readers. Hence we have balanced our responsibilities as best as we can, to a universal audience.
  • We don’t allow the incitement of hatred toward any single group, however we do allow disagreements.

Syndesi Comment Policy Scoring System

Generated by wpDataTables

Syndesi Cumulative Scoring Rules

Generated by wpDataTables

  • Strikes are accumulated for each comment during an evaluation cycle and then reset at the end of the evaluation cycle.
  • When a user cumulatively accrues 4 strikes, they are banned from commenting until the end of the current evaluation period.
  • When a user cumulatively accrues 9 strikes, they are banned from commenting until the end of the evaluation period that follows.
  • We do not shadowban.
  • As a company we choose redemption, no matter how long that takes, over a lifetime of punishment.
  • These are the evaluation cycles:
      1. January 1st to February 28/29
      2. March 1st to April 30th
      3. May 1st to June 30th
      4. July 1st to August 31st
      5. September 1st to October 30th
      6. November 1st to December 31st
  • A ban can be reversed based on the discretion of Syndesi for all of its websites/apps or a community vote initiated by any of Syndesi’s websites and apps.
  • A 2/3 majority from any vote is required to remove a ban to ensure its universal acceptance.
  • Syndesi arbitrarily scans comments and assigns strikes
  • Any user can report a comment until it is reviewed. A reported comment is not removed until the evaluation is completed within 72 hours.
  • As a transparent organization, Syndesi will provide the exact reason for a temporary ban.
  • We base this procedure on innocent until proven guilty.
  • Any changes to our comment policy based on user input will be evaluated by the staff of Syndesi or its direct affiliates.

Last updated May 01, 2024

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